What is this website for?
To showcase a selection of paintings by
Rodney Gordon Callaghan, aka ‘Green Pop’, a 95-year-old retiree, who lives in Queensland, Australia.
“Can you put these paintings online? Because I haven’t got a clue…”
– Rod/Green Pop to grandson
What do Rods paintings look like?
Rod’s paintings capture the tranquillity of rural Australia and everyday life. They are made using vibrant watercolours.
What does ‘Green Pop’ mean?
“When Leonie and Mel (my grandchildren) were little they had so many Pops they didn’t know what to do…
They used to go to the school here to kindergarten and all their friends also had Pops. So all the Pops got different names to distinguish between them.
They liked the colour green so they called me ‘Green Pop’.
Some of my paintings I sign with my name. Other times I sign them Gordon G Pop or Green Pop to keep people interested.”
Some other questions you may want answers to
How long have you been painting?
“It takes me about a day to paint something, you have to wet it and dry it a few times, but if somebody asks me how long it takes me to paint something I tell them 25 years!
I’m still getting better at it, even though I’m getting older, but there’s a limit to that too of course… I can’t sign my signature like I used to, but I can still paint!”
What are you painting these days?
“I used to do paintings four times as big as these smaller ones. I don’t paint them big anymore because I’m getting too old and silly now, you know, so I just paint one of these little ones every Wednesday morning while I teach others how to paint.
There are a few ladies I’ve taught down there and some of their paintings finish up pretty good. They’re better than me! I tell them that, but they don’t believe me! The people I teach, teach me as much as I teach them, but they don’t realise that.
They say, ‘what are we gonna paint today?’ I say, ‘just follow me’. I don’t know what I’m gonna do until halfway through it, so I just paint based on what I feel in the moment. I do bomb a few of em’! But they’re all good scouts, they don’t take it too seriously.”
What else can you tell us about your life?
“I worked as a bartender and manager of the Lapstone Hotel in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales and I ran my own real estate agency for many years.”
Purchase an original
‘Green Pop’ painting or print
A final word from the man himself:
“The presentation is a big part of the whole deal. Each painting comes with a matte (a coloured frame around the painting).
I’ve matched the colour of each matte with each painting to suit. The mattes are sourced from and prepared by Doreen (my neighbour).
Have a look at the paintings I have available, and I thank you in advance for buying one.”
– Rod/Green Pop
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One response
Hi Dad 🙂
Great idea to go beyond your existing network of people who buy your artwork. Each painting has personality, passion and a message to find for yourself. Rod Callaghan – GreenPop, paints colourful artwork that will brighten up a hallway or create a focal point to draw you into another room. Buy originals or prints, they all look amazing. A great gift idea as well. If you buy one or two, you know it’s helping Rod GreenPop relax in between paintings and inspiring him to paint more tomorrow.
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